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Students participate in Gaeilge 24

Ar an Chéadaoin, ghlac scoláírí Gaeilge páirt i nGaeilge 24, dúshlán uile-Eireann a thug ar na scoláirí iarracht a dhéanamh Gaeilge a labhairt don lá iomlán. Bhí neart craic agus spraoí againn i rith an lae agus limistéir D.I.T. ag an cheaintín dár ndóigh, le neart milseáin agus ceol ag am sosa. Bhain achan duine sult mhór as an dúshlán.

On Wednesday, students studying Irish took part in an All-Ireland challenge called Gaeilge 24, which challenged the students to speak Irish only for the whole day. There was plenty of craic to be had during the day and of course, our own V.I.P. area in the canteen with lots of music and treats at break time. Everyone enjoyed it immensely.

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