In recent weeks, students in Years 10, 12 and 13 have been taking great strides on the Duke of Edinburgh programme.
Bronze Award participants carried out their expedition training. Over the two days they covered everything from route cards to navigation, and campcraft to first aid. They cooked up a feast (plus the odd pot noodle…) and camped over on the school grounds under the stars. Following a 6:30am wake up call, they made breakfast, packed up all their kit and set off on a training walk around Donard Forest and the surrounding area to work on their navigation. All of them performed admirably - and were suitably shattered by the end! They are now ready for their final expedition in mid-June, after which they will move on to the physical and skills sections, plus volunteering, in order to complete their Bronze Award!
On their final day in Year 12, eight students were presented with their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Certificates. This achievement is all the more impressive given that much of their Award spanned two lockdowns! Commendably, all of these students picture have gone on to pursue their Silver Award.

Meanwhile, five Year 13 students have been presented with their Silver DofE Award certificates. They are currently working on their Gold Award, which will finish with an expedition to Donegal in June 2023! Congratulations to Liam Downey who was the first of the group to achieve his Silver Award but was not present for the photo.