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Introducing our new logo

Dear Shimna community,

Later this year, we will be moving into our fabulous new school building. This huge project will open a new chapter in the College’s history

As part of our work, we have taken this opportunity to refresh our Shimna logo. We were delighted to engage one of our parents, Wendy Williamson, whose son will be joining Shimna in September. Wendy is Senior Designer at Be-Studios Design and has already done similar work with All Children’s. It’s great to have a parent leading on this exciting assignment, which was the case with the original logo.

Since January, Wendy has worked on a concept inspired by the core elements of life at Shimna, some of which have featured in activities celebrating our thirtieth anniversary. These included asking our students to sum up what Shimna means to them.

What does the logo mean?

The design is a renewal of the original logo. In keeping with our integrated identity, it serves as a reflection of what makes Shimna so special.

The S in the Shimna logo is a ‘fingerprint’, recognising the individuality of every student. The curved lines represent the harmony that comes from learning from each other and the way in which our different pathways flow together.

The colours represent different faiths, cultures and the breadth of our curriculum, as well as drawing inspiration from the splendour of our natural environment.

The colour palette also ties in with the architect’s plans for our new building.

If you’re interested in Wendy’s work on the logo, click on the link to read about her design process.

How does this new design affect our uniform?

Our uniform will remain the same for the coming school year. We’ll keep you informed on our plans to incorporate the new logo over time.

Please be assured, however, that if you invest in branded items, your child will be able to wear them until they grow out of them.



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