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DoE Bronze Award - “the craic was mighty”

Last week our Bronze Award group embarked on their final expedition - 27 students in 4 groups, covered approx.  26km over 2 days in the blistering sunshine. The students took in a variety of sights in our local area from Dundrum town and The Plains to Keel point and Tipperary Wood, Murlough House and Parnell's Bridge to Slieve Donard Hotel to the Curraghard.The highlight for many was the camp at Tollymore where following a carb based feast, a football match ensued followed by an epic 'losers do the washing up' rounders match with Mr Dagen and Michaela Quinn at the heart of the shenanigans. As night fell further energy was expended with some impromptu cartwheels, story telling and running races in the darkness in preparation for sports day... the craic was mighty!


The students were all fantastic and a pleasure to work with over the two days,  even with the occasional fall out! Big thanks also go to the staff involved - Mr Allen, Mr Dagen, Michaela Quinn, Niamh Lindsay, Juneve Nicholls, Stephen Hanna and assessors Mr Mayers and Mr Scott - these experiences just wouldn't be possible without such dedicated staff. All students now need to get all of their assessors reports completed and submitted in order to secure their Bronze Award.And...Roll on Silver!



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