A big thank you to Mr Keenan for organising a week of St Patrick’s Day activities in school
He writes:
“An seachtain seo bhí ceiliúradh a dhéanamh againn ar Sheachtain na Gaeilge le mol mór imeachtaí fríd an scoil, céilithe, trath cheisteanna, imeachtaí ranga agus faoi dheireadh tionóil Naomh Pádraig Dé hAoine. Bhí ceoltóirí, amhránaithe, damhsóirí agus aisteoirí ag insint scéal Táin Bó Chuailgne ar an ardán.
Buíochas ó chroí le hachan duine a ghlac páirt ach buíochas spéisíalta le scoil All Children’s a tháinig ar cuairt agus go háirithe Aoife, Abi, Cara, Saorla agus Grace a rinne damhsa dúinn ar fad. Gíonn muid beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh uilig.”
“This week we had lots of activities throughout the school to celebrate Irish Language Week culminating in our annual St Patrick’s Assembly on Friday. We ran céilithe, quizzes, class activities and lots more in our assembly. There were musicians, singers, dancers and, of course, our Year 8 Irish class telling the story of The Battle Riad of Cooley on stage.
A huge thanks to all our performers and, of course, to the students and staff of All Children’s who joined us, especially Aoife, Abi, Cara, Saorla and Grace who also performed. We wish you all a happy and enjoyable St Patrick’s weekend.”