Pastoral Care
The integrated ethos of the college permeates all aspects of the curriculum, and in particular, is reflected in the pastoral care framework.
The relationship between a form class and the form teacher is central to the pastoral dimension of the college. The learning for life and work programme is planned to focus on issues such as: global awareness; employability; citizenship; health education; relationships and sexuality; money management.
The programme is integrated with the college personal development programme, integrated and religious studies and careers education.
The most important aspect of our pastoral system is the pastoral period each week, time set aside for students and teachers to reflect on experience, and to discuss achievements, challenges and problems. Every member of staff in the college is involved in fostering the pastoral dimension of college life.
Pastoral Care Structure
Chairperson of Board of Governors - Denise Medea
Governor for Child Protection - Michelle Hamilton
Principal - Steve Pagan
College Counsellor - Victoria Sherlock
Designated Staff For Child Protection
Karen Caulfield (Designated Teacher)
Danella Goodman (Pastoral Manager)
Aine Harrison (Child Protection Trainer)
Suzy Mawhirt (Deputy Designated Teacher)
Stuart Scott (Deputy Designated Teacher)
Ciaran Milligan (Resilience Lead)
Every student has their form teacher, who moves with them throughout their time at Shimna.

Student Support
Our Student Counsellor: Our independent counsellor, Vicki Sherlock, can be easily contacted through the post box at the students' entrance. Students can ask for an appointment for themselves, or referrals can be made by a friend, a staff member or a family member.
Our Listening Ear Service
We provide Listening Ear training to staff and students and Listening Ears are available to support any member of the Shimna community. Their service can be contacted through the postbox in the main entrance.
Our Scripture Union
Both junior and senior Scripture Union groups meet regularly for faith based mutual support and prayer.
Assist and SafeTalk
Three members of staff are Assist trained, and are available to support any member of the Shimna community who finds themselves with suicidal thoughts. Many staff and students are also SafeTalk trained, which is a first aid programme for mental health issues.
The Education Welfare Service
Our Education Welfare Officer is available in college, who offers support to students and their parents/guardians with any difficulty which may cause problems in attending college.
The Careers Service
Our careers officer is available regularly in college, who offers support to students in planning their future.
Social Services
We work closely with colleagues in social services.
MYMY, the Hub etc.
We advertise the services of many community based drop-in and helpline services.