Open Evening extra
We are aware of a clash in the programme of open evenings last Thursday.
Families who would like to visit Shimna are welcome to join us this Thursday ( 23 January ) between 4.00 and 5.30 pm.
To make an appointment, please contact the College at
CEIAG - Parent/Carer Hub​
Making decisions about further study can be an overwhelming time for students and their families. It is important that our young people have the opportunity to reflect on their skills, qualities, values and academic strengths. We believe that parents and carers play a vital role in encouraging this discussion and reflection. This hub is a collation of helpful information that you can use to guide these conversations. In keeping with our commitment to providing meaningful support for every student, we have teamed up with Unifrog – an online destinations platform. All students from Year 10 – Year 14 have access to this website. You can also have your own Unifrog account, where you are able to research careers, attend webinars delivered by employers and universities to learn more about their opportunities, and compare pathways so you can support your child in making an informed decision about their next steps.
Click on this link for a step-by-step guide to setting up your own account –
Useful links​
The Careers Service NI have the following site dedicated to information for parents and carers, touching on areas such as ‘How to fill in an application form’, ‘How to find apprenticeship opportunities’
‘Talking Futures’ is a resource to help parents and carers have informed and constructive conversations with their children about the different education and training pathways available to them.
‘Skills Builder’ Homezone is a resource where parents and carers can get information on how to support their children to improve a set of 8 universal essential skills.
Year 12 is a great year for students to start getting experience in the world of work, and many employers will ask for their information, academic interests and qualifications, and references to be summarised onto their first CV. There are many online resources to help students structure this information into an attractive, reader-friendly document for employers to gauge their suitability for a role. If students don’t yet have GCSE grades to record, they should list the subjects they are taking and the expected date of results. Here are two examples of effective CV Makers: