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CEIAG - Options and Next Steps


Planning for next steps is an important component of the Year 10 and Year 12 experience here at Shimna Integrated College. To support students to make informed choices, we deliver the following programme:


Stage 1: Preparation

A series of Pastoral Care lessons are tailored to support students to explore their skills, qualities, values and aspirations. We use the Unifrog platform to encourage Careers research. Students receive a subject choices booklet with information about the range of courses that we offer. Additionally, Year 12 will be taught about pathways to success that are available through our local FE Colleges.


Stage 2: Interviews and Advice

All Year 10 and Year 12 students meet with a senior staff member to discuss their progress, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and agree on strategies to help them achieve their targets. Students also get support to explore and choose the subjects that will highlight their strengths and keep further study/career options open to them.


GCSE/Sixth Form Subject Fairs provide an opportunity for students and parents/carers to see the subjects on offer and talk to the teachers of those subjects.


Year 12 have an additional 1-1 interview with an external Careers Adviser from the NI Careers Service.


Stage 3: Choosing Subjects/Options

Year 10 and Year 12 students receive an email to their school email account with the link to their subject choice form, and a deadline for submission. Subject blocks are created based on student choice, timetables are generated, we write to each student/family to confirm their subject choices.


Year 12 students who are progressing to FE College will independently apply for their course and campus of choice, and will receive support if necessary.


Please click on the links below to browse our current subject choices booklets:          

Year 10 (GCSE Options)

Gcse booklet cover.png

Year 12 (Sixth Form Options)

6F Cover.png
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