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Welcome to Shimna maths department. 

All Shimna students study Mathematics at Key Stage 3 and GCSE.  Further maths is also a popular choice at GCSE and we have an enthusiastic A-Level class in Mathematics and Further Mathematics.  The vision for our department is not only to provide students with mathematical skills necessary for modern life but also to instil in them an enthusiasm for and enjoyment of Mathematics

Academic offer

At Key Stage 3

Students follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics and Numeracy which includes element of Financial Capability.

  • Students cover areas of Number, Algebra, Shape and Space as well as Data Handling

  • Students are assessed in the Cross Curricular skill of Using Mathematics

  • Students have the opportunity to develop skills such as mental maths, problem solving, creativity, communication, team work and self-esteem.


At GCSE students are prepared for the CCEA mathematics course.  We have five mathematics classes and teach across the full range of abilities. The exam consists of a calculator and non-calculator module paper. Students are given the opportunity to sit a module at the end of year 11.


At GCSE we also offer the opportunity to take Further Mathematics as an additional subject


Students who enjoy and have a talent for Mathematics have the opportunity to take Further Mathematics GCSE.  Topics such as trigonometry are studied in greater depth and students meet new topics such as differentiation and integration.  This provides an excellent platform for A Level Mathematics. The course includes:

·        Pure Mathematics

·        Mechanics

·        Statistics


AS/A2 Mathematics and Further Mathematics

Mathematics is a popular and useful A Level with increasing demands, which opens doors for the future.  


AS Year

It consists of a pure maths module and one applied mathematics module.


A2 Year

It consists of a pure maths module and one applied mathematics module.

A level maths is extremely beneficial for those thinking of degrees or careers in:

Maths and Physics


Medical Sciences

Business, Accounting and Finance



Extra-curricular offer

In addition to the national curriculum student also have the opportunity to participate in the following


  • UKMT maths challenges

  • Queens university  school of mathematics and physics Team Challenge

  • Maths week Ireland including a junior maths fair

  • children in crossfire charity maths challenge

  • Mangahigh club and competitions

  • After school maths club



Mathematics Success at Shimna

  • 13 present year 12 GCSE students achieved A/A* grades a year early in 2016

  • All GCSE further mathematics students  achieved A*- B grades in 2016

  • 2/3 of the A’level mathematics students achieved 100% A* - C grades in 2016

  • Some of our students achieved  an AS in further mathematics at A'level and we will continue to offer this choice.



Past Students Achievement:


Alec, studied Financial Mathematics at University College Galway, and after banking in Dublin, he is now a maths teacher in the north of England;

Kerry, studied Actuarial Science at Queens University Belfast, and now has a high powered and very successful career in finance in Dublin;

Ryan, studied sports journalism at University of Sunderland, before returning to maths, and is now a successful maths teacher in England;

Cary, studied Geography at St Andrew's University and after a successful career in environmental science, has now qualified as a maths and geography teacher.  We are very proud of all of them.

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