Cashless Catering System
We operate a cashless catering system at Shimna using School Gateway. This includes the option for students to obtain food via the provision of a biometric image. This system enables students to pay for their food in the canteen from funds they have on their personal canteen account.
The biometric system brings several benefits for the College, for students, and for parents and carers:
The biometric system allows for quicker service in the canteen, as students can be served more efficiently. This translates to shorter queues and more time for students to enjoy their meals.
Parents & carers can top up lunch money via School Gateway and cash kiosks
A biometric image eliminates the need for students to be in possession of a card, which can be forgotten, misplaced, or stolen
Students would therefore not have to pay for a replacement card should they lose it.
The system enables students to use their fingerprint to identify their personal account. This biometric image is unique to each individual and is the most reliable and secure kind of personal identification.
EMOS-Infineer (, the company supplying the system, has developed a unique system with a mathematical algorithm which translates each student’s fingerprint into a 450-digit number. This number is the unique reference for accessing each account and cannot be accessed by anyone outside the system or used or transferred outside the school. The student’s name and photograph appear at the tills when they place their finger on the biometric reader to prevent any misuse of the system.
Students entitled to free school meals have their account credited daily at 12:00 pm, which can be accessed with the use of the biometric image at the tills. Additional credits can be added by the student using the kiosks or online if required. It can be used to purchase additional items not included in the free school meal allowance, or to buy items at breaktime.