Meet the Business department
Darryl Nesbitt is the Head of Department and teaches the GCSE Business and Communication course, and the Applied General Business qualification. He has been teaching Business for over 20 years and spent time working in the marketing department for a large UK and Irish plc.
James Magee teaches on the GCSE Business and Communication course. He is a past student of Shimna where he studied business. He also has a lot of experience teaching ICT.
Academic offer
Advanced Level
The Applied General Business qualification Level 3 encourages candidates to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of realistic business contexts through a variety of approaches from the theoretical to those with clear practical emphasis. The qualification is accredited by the AQA exam board.
The first year of the course builds a foundational understanding of business. This involves studying how a large multinational company organises and structures its operations. Business finance is also studied which gives a sound understanding for going on to research your own business idea in the second year of the course.
Business Communication Systems GCSE Level
This course is very relevant to today’s business world. It helps students understand the changing role of ICT in business and economic activities. It helps students understand the ways in which market environments are changing because of ICT, for example the rise of e-business. There is also a controlled assessment unit which involves designing and evaluating a business website.
This course helps students develop practical ICT and business skills that are useful in a diverse range of employment roles. It also prepares students for studying business and ICT at a more advanced level. In the first year of the course we visit the large Coca Cola factory outside Lisburn and consider some of the operating, marketing and ethical issues associated with this famous company.
Extra-curricular offer
Investment club
After school assignment support

What we do well
At advanced level the emphasis on the Business course is on assessment by assignment. This tends to suit those students who are steady workers and who are good at organising themselves and managing their own time. As a department we support students in developing these skills and helping students achieve their full potential. This is reflected in the excellent results students have achieved over the years.
The assignments are designed around a local business context. This allows students to apply their knowledge to a business they can relate to. It also provides opportunities for links and visits to local businesses which can enhance the quality of research students are able to access.
At GCSE and Advanced level our courses are designed to provide students with the knowledge and theory they need to achieve at the highest level, while also giving students lots of opportunities to apply their knowledge making full use of our excellent computer facilities.
Useful links